How to create schema in sql server

In this post, I will explain about How to create schema in sql server with an example.
A schema is a bunch of database objects like views, triggers, tables, stored procedures, indexes, etc. A schema is attached with a username which is also called as the schema owner, who is the owner of the logically related database objects.

Built-in schemas in SQL Server

SQL Server provides some pre-defined schemas which have the same names as the built-in database users and roles, for example: dbo, guest, sys, and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

The default schema for a newly created database is dbo, which is owned by the dbo user account. By default, when you create a new user with the CREATE USER command, the user will take dbo as its default schema name.


The following lines illustrate simplified version of the CREATE SCHEMA statement:

CREATE SCHEMA schema_name
    [AUTHORIZATION owner_name]

CREATE SCHEMA product_services;

Once you execute the ‘CREATE SCHEMA’ statement, you can find the recently created schema under the Security > Schemas of the database name.

You can use below query to list all schema in the current database.

SELECT AS schema_name, AS schema_owner
    sys.schemas s
INNER JOIN sys.sysusers u ON u.uid = s.principal_id

You can see output in below image.


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I hope you get an idea about How to create schema in sql server.
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