Remove first and last character from string

Remove first and last character from string In this post I will explain about how to Remove first and last character from string with example. Description: In my previous posts I have explained various topics like Calculate age from Date of Birth in C#, Select random numbers items from list in C#,

SQL server coalesce function

SQL Server COALESCE In this post I will explain about sql server coalesce function with example. The SQL Server COALESCE expression accepts a two or more arguments, evaluates them in order from left to right, and returns the first non-null argument or value. The following line illustrates the syntax for COALESCE expression: COALESCE(val1,[val2,…,valn])

How to create schema in sql server

How to create schema in sql server In this post, I will explain about How to create schema in sql server with an example. A schema is a bunch of database objects like views, triggers, tables, stored procedures, indexes, etc. A schema is attached with a username which is also called as