What is Web API and why use it?

What is Web API and why use it? In this post, I will explain Web API and why to use it. ASP.NET Web API(Introduced by Microsoft) is a framework for building HTTP services that can be used by other range of clients such as browsers, mobiles, iPhones, and tablets. ASP.NET Web API can
C#.Net Common Program

5 Different Ways To Concatenate Strings In C#

5 Different Ways To Concatenate Strings In C# In this post I will explain about several different ways To Concatenate Strings In C# with example. Adding strings is a commonly used operation in C# and .NET. The String class in C# provides multiple ways to add/merge strings which include, + operator, String.Concate(),
.Net Core

What is .net core used for

What is .net core used for In this post, I will explain What is .net core used for. The first version of the .Net framework was released in the year 2002. Since then it gets popularity among developers and various businesses. The major advantage of the .Net framework is that it supports the Windows

Remove first and last character from string

Remove first and last character from string In this post I will explain about how to Remove first and last character from string with example. Description: In my previous posts I have explained various topics like Calculate age from Date of Birth in C#, Select random numbers items from list in C#,

Select random numbers items from list in C#

Select random numbers items from list in asp.net c# In this post I will explain about how to Select random numbers items from list in asp.net c# with example. Description: In my previous posts I have explained various topics like Sql Server Coalesce,Method Overloading, Abstract Class in C# Now in this post,

SQL server coalesce function

SQL Server COALESCE In this post I will explain about sql server coalesce function with example. The SQL Server COALESCE expression accepts a two or more arguments, evaluates them in order from left to right, and returns the first non-null argument or value. The following line illustrates the syntax for COALESCE expression: COALESCE(val1,[val2,…,valn])

How to create schema in sql server

How to create schema in sql server In this post, I will explain about How to create schema in sql server with an example. A schema is a bunch of database objects like views, triggers, tables, stored procedures, indexes, etc. A schema is attached with a username which is also called as

What is CSS?

What is CSS? I this post I will explain about What is CSS?. Cascading Style Sheets,is a simple designing language used for simplify the process of making web pages design. CSS manages the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, you can control the color of the text,background, the

ExecuteReader, ExecuteNonQuery and Executescalar in ADO.NET

ExecuteReader, ExecuteNonQuery and Executescalar in ADO.NET In this post I will explain about what is ExecuteReader, ExecuteNonQuery and Executescalar in ADO.NET. (1)ExecuteNonQuery ExecuteNonQuery method is used to execute DML SQL Command like INSERT, UPDATE or Delete operations. It will not return any data from the database. Instead, it returns an integer specifying