C# is a general-purpose, modern and object-oriented programming language.It is pronounced as “C sharp”.
It was developed by Microsoft led by Anders Hejlsberg. The term is sometimes spelled as C Sharp or C-Sharp.
C# has many similarity with Java syntactically and is easy for the users who have little knowledge of C, C++ or Java.

In my previous article I have discussed about Visual Studio.

Why C#?(Introduction to C#)
C# has many reasons for being popular and in demand now a days.
some of the popular reasons are mentioned below:

Easy to start:
C# is a high level language so it is similar to other programming languages like C, C++, and Java and hence becomes easy to learn for anyone.

Widely used for developing Desktop and Web Application:
C# is widely used for developing web applications and Desktop applications. It is one of the most popular languages that is used in professional desktop.

Community: The larger the community the better it is as new tools and softwares will be developing to make it better. C# has a large community so the developments are done to make it exist in system and not become extinct.

Game Development:
C# is widely used for game development and will continue to dominate in near future. The C# features such as Automatic Garbage Collection, interfaces, object oriented etc. makes C# a popular game developing language.

I hope you get an idea about Introduction to C#.
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